Gift not recommended

We people love to give gift to our Love ones, so its good to know the meaning of what we give to them. Giving gift is not about the price or value the important thing is the effort of a person who give us their thoughts. Not everyone receive gift. Some never had any. Lets be thankful and appreciate what our love ones and friends, give us.

Nowadays in every especial occasion almost all people bringing gifts to a party. Its been a habit of most people to send gift as sign of their unity to a groups, companies or organizations. China, Taiwan and Hongkong believe that there's a possibility the gifts could give bad luck at could possibly hindrance to a good growth of their lives.

Clock- Any kind of clocks they do not considered it as  a good gift. Yes, we think about its good and helpful to a person, but suggest to avoid these kind of gift. Chinese knows clock as song zhong, send clock, sound like song zhong, the funeral rituals.

It symbolize the fast running time, so it could be possibly that its causes to break a relationship in the future.According to them it could possibly cause life if you force to give clock to a person, especially your love ones, because of its ability to speed up time in life of a person. So when you give a gift next time make sure clock is out of your list.

Handkerchief- giving a handkerchief as gift ( song jin )same sound as "fare well greetings" (duangen). They believe that this is not suitable to your partner. There is a big possibility that you break up. Well you can use this gift if you wanted to break up with someone.

Towels- towels are symbolize commonly as condolence. Normally towel are people used when their love ones pass away. Chinese suggested that avoid giving towels as a gift for especially for your loves, just find something else.

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