
Plants are also called Green Plants,(Viridiplantae in latin) they are living multicellular organism of the king Plantae. They form a clade that includes the flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms, fern, clubmosses, hornworts, liverworts and mosses as well as depending pn definition, the green algae. Plants exclude the red and brown seaweeds such as kelp, the fingui, archaea and bacteria.

Green plants have cell with cellulose and characteristically obtain most of their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis using chlorophyll contained in chloroplasts, which gives them their green color. Some plants are parasitic and have lost the ability to produce normal amounts of chlorophyll or to photosynthesize. Plants are also characterized by sexual reproduction, modular and indeterminate growth and an alternation of generations, although asexual reproduction is commonn.

Did you that FENG SHUI expert also using plants to have balance energy inside the house. There are many plants that Chinese believe that those can attract good energy. Actuall Feng Shui is Chinese way of balancing energy and now most people around the world who knows about it are using too.

It's popular to ASIAN countries, some people that can afford to pay a professional FENG SHUI expect they do it and really pays a lot making sure everything is in place. They believe that balancing energy inside the house can attract wealth.

Attracting wealth, good health and happiness are what FENG SHUI is all about, but there are still people that do not believe in FENG SHUI, a Christian religious groups do not believe in Feng Shui and they do not allow their members to use Feng Shui, because they against their rules.

They believe that Feng Shui is for buddhism so they always remind their members not to use Feng Shui but because of the strong believe that their is changes in Feng Shui many Christian are using it. Magical Powers Of Nature will given you some plants that may help attracting good energy inside your home.

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