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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo Plant is one of the most popular in Chinese feng Shui because of capability to attract positive Chi. The lucky bamboo is a stable plant that's why it help energize home and surroundings. The bamboo symbolize in Chinese for stability. The capability of lucky bamboo to grow faster and the adoptable of any situation is what people like this plant.

This lucky bamboo can actually grow to water but are not recommended for feng Shui. A Chinese lucky bamboo also know as FU Gwey Zhu. The "FU" means luck and furtune, and "Gwey" symbolize power and honor, "Zhu" means bamboo. The lucky bamboo is best recommended for Feng Shui because this plant stand for five elements that Feng Shui have.

Here's five Elements of Feng Shui and luck bamboo have;

Wood-The stalks  of the plant and the green leaves
Water- every time you water your plant to make the plant alive and the blue color represent as water.
Earth- the soil, pots or the color brown that lucky bamboo place in represent as Earth.
Fire-   the red ribbon leash in the plant symbolize as fire.
Metal - pots that are made of metal or ornamental decoration, like silver, brass, bronze and copper that place in the plant represent as Metal.

The counts of bamboo stalks that Feng Shui use for cure and specific meaning and symbols. The count of stalks determine what kind of energy you want to attract inside your home. All even numbers stand for Yin and odd numbers stand for Yang. The odd or Yang numbers considered as lucky numbers.
Most lucky when lucky bamboo are given instead of buying by yourselves but off course you can always buy if no one give you. You can use it as personal way of making harmony and luck in your life. Here are some symbols,energy, and luck affiliate of bamboo stalks counts.

Lucky Log- A kind of bamboo that similar to a small log. The lucky log bamboo symbolize as a secure or stable life and full of abundance. This is commonly given as gift from a business owners to their client as symbol of growing business that everyone mostly dreams for their own business.

Two Bamboo Stalks- Mostly given as way of expressing love and the intention of getting married. It symbolize as happy companionship of a relationship. The two bamboo stalks similar meaning as double luck that coming in your life.

Three Bamboo Stalks- the three bamboo stalks are most favorite number of combination for life. It bring three luck in your life, happiness-"FU" Long life,"Soh" and Wealth"LU"

Four Bamboo Stalks- The word four in Chinese similar sound of death. The number four draws "SHA" negative energy. This counts is not use or not recommended counts of bamboo stalks, given someone four bamboo stalks means wishing death towards that person.

Five Bamboo Stalks- the bamboo plants with this stalks counts symbolize the five areas of life that needs to have abundance. Draws positive energy that gives arrangement to the following aspect; spiritual, mental, emotional, physical at intuitive.

Six Bamboo Stalks- The six in Chinese language similar sound to a word luck. The six bamboo stalks draws positive energy that brings abundance and good opportunities of wealth.

Seven Bamboo Stalks- The seven bamboo stalks similar meaning of good health.

Eight Bamboo Stalks- The eight counts of bamboo stalks sound as grow or thrive that means development, growth and multiply. This counts symbolize of fertility.

Nine Bamboo Stalks- This counts symbolize of good luck and brings further luck in life.

Ten Bamboo Stalks- The ten bamboo stalks symbolize of contentment, tranquility, happiness of current life.

Welcome Plant

Welcome Plant is now very popular in the Philippines using ass indoor plant. It look like artificial plant with a very shinny leaves. When you look it closely you can identify it as one of cactus family. Chinese use it for Feng Shui to attract wealth especially when its given by somebody else  instead of buying yourself, but obviously for now its popular so everyone selling it around.

Myself I bought it. You can place it outside in front of your main door or you can also bring it inside. They believe that pleasing it in front of your main door attract wealth inside the house, obviously for lazy people still not working.  Using of Feng Shui or balancing energy inside your home is to make you work without lazy days. And if you need to rest during your bed time you can sleep good as well.

Lazy people needs to Feng Shui themselves and change their mindset, to make them productive. Even Jesus Chris Works together with all His disciples. How about human, he give us everything but we need to gain them. So if you want to try bringing Feng Shui in your lives, then start working in missing part of your life.

For some questions and suggestion to improve our website please kind send us email or leave comments, if your find our website interesting share it with your friends and family. Happy learning

Monday, November 25, 2013

Candles History

Candles have different colors, shape, size and smell. I can tell that I am one of candle lovers. I love candles, its been part of me to light different during my meditation. It helps my mind relax, and can helps remove stress as well, especially the scented candles.

Before I share the health benefits of candles, lets find out first how these candles started, and where. According to National Candles Association (NCA) the first candles were developed by the Ancient Egyptians, who used rushlights or torches made by soaking the pithy core of reeds in melted animal fat. However, the rushlights had no wick like a true candle. 
The Egyptians were using wicked candles in 3,000 B.C., but the ancient Romans are generally credited with developing the wicked candle before that time by dipping rolled papyrus repeatedly in melted tallow or beeswax. The resulting candles were used to light their homes, to aid travelers at night, and in religious ceremonies.

Colonial women offered America's first contribution to candlemaking, when they discovered that boiling the grayish-green berries of bayberry bushes produced a sweet-smelling wax that burned cleanly. However, extracting the wax from the bayberries was extremely tedious.

 As a result, the popularity of bayberry candles soon diminished.The growth of the whaling industry in the late 18th century brought the first major change in candlemaking since the Middle Ages, when spermaceti -- a wax obtained by crystallizing sperm whale oil -- became available in quantity. 

Like beeswax, the spermaceti wax did not elicit a repugnant odor when burned, and produced a significantly brighter light. It also was harder than either tallow or beeswax, so it wouldn't soften or bend in the summer heat. Historians note that the first "standard candles" were made from spermaceti wax.

Nowadays candles are getting popular not just because of colorful attraction but also the healing benefit and its magical powers uses to be a wishing candles for many. Explore our Magical Powers of natures and discover some helpful tips that you may use everyday.

Shapes of Candles for Healing therapy

The following shapes of candles have universal meaning by different cultures and religions all over the world. These shapes are universal and plays the role of our subconscious mind.

5 Different Shapes of Candles
Here some shapes that could be useful for you;

        This is ancient and universal shape that symbolize goddess,strength or powers of women's. Have romantic connection, deepest friendship, sacred place or space. Circle symbolize the shape of sacred and spiritualism, including the sacred world.

          Because of perfect 'symmetry' shapes of diamond, it give vibration towards harmony. This is shape that considered  as excellent for meditation gardens toward your goal related to " culinary". This shape been said that can gives vibrations toward solid world. And because this excellent use for 'MAGICAL GARDENS' given abundance, luxury, including family,home and heart matters.

        The heart or the shape heart represent as heart. This shape is indication of romantic disposition. The shape also represent true and pure love,happiness,financial growth, everlasting love not just personal but love towards others as well.

           is a shape that made of 8 equal sides, and number '8' represent as connection or connect through world and heaven. This indicate our body and soul as well, it symbolize best part of psychic substance that considered as vehicle of spiritual lights. This shape reveal closeness of psychic elements to heaven.

          this shape represent as physical world. Same as circle, divided by 4  in each corner of the shapes, as direction of compass; north , east, south, and west.

Candle Can Help boost Energy for therapy

Candles can be useful for many different purposes in life, It depends on how you use it, and you believe it as well. The use of candles for therapy has been a long time learning process in different cultures all over the world.The candle therapy is used to join together the power of body, mind and spirit.
Since before and nowadays candles help us lighten our paths through different transitions. From celebrations and ceremonies to the proclamation process the flame of candles symbols as "methapor"of our spirit.Candles can help us join together the power of our mind, body and spirit.

Candles represent us our self object. Self Object is something that reflects ourselves , reflects into something which we can act. Candles are a reflection of spiritual and ethical transformations that we want in ourselves. We burn candles as implications and symbols of our goals and wants in life.
Working With the Candles Energy
Working with candles or using candles can be simple or could be complicated as the same time, due to our goals or needs. I would suggest that before you light the candles that you need, recharge it with prayers first.
Sit down in a silent place, hold the candle or candles right in front of your chest, and think about the part of your life that you want to put some energy, or boost energy for a change. Start with using POSITIVE AFFIRMATION'
Here's some important ways of using candles base on your purposes and needs. Set a time for your meditation, always say your real intentions after your positive affirmation. Light the candle based on your needs and wants.

  • I hope these are helpful for readers especially the candle lovers watch for our next blog about different colors and meaning of candles. See you again, share this if you find it helpful tips.

Magical Powers of Candles

The last part of my  previous blog is Working With the Candles Energy, I have given some instruction how to use candles. Now is the time to reveal the colors meaning and how it would help us. But before we proceed and before you start using any of this I would suggest that ask God forgiveness for everything that you do, be humble to ask His forgiveness and admit all your mistake, a sincere and pure heart is always the best.

 If your asking forgiveness to God never forget to forgive as well. We are not perfect but God cannot forgive us if we ourselves cannot forgive others. Do not make promises to God which you cannot do, the worse things that you do is make a promises that you can't. After all he don't need promises and then later you yourself break it.

 Sincerity of your heart is key that God listen to you, if your asking Gods forgiveness and  guidance. The power of God cannot be measure by anyone. He love us so much so anything we asked through Jesus Christ His Son will be granted. Ask forgiveness and forgive.

Candles could be help you but never forget that they are useless without God guidance and the holy spirit. I hope this may help you in whatever you want in life and may God grant all your wishes in life. God answer our prayers in many different ways that we do not expect be always thankful in your life, and appreciate what you have today, even the very tiny that happen, so you will never miss the most wonderful things that he give you....

Here is the magical meaning and uses of candles for therapy;

        is a color of energy, love, courage, strength, and good health. A good protection to avoid laziness, and fears. 
           is a color that symbolize the sun in midsummer, with a unique power for enthusiasm, rejoicing,   strength, stimulation, appropriate or suitable, attraction for friendship.                   

          this is color that symbolize and represent as clairvoyance, to learn,mind and communication, memory enhancer, it helps the business, performing arts, happiness booster, and use to repel evil spirit and bad elements around us
           symbolize nature and material things, also symbolize of healing, money, abundance, luck, fertility,enhance balance and harmony in uncertain situation, gives protection and relaxing feeling.
         this color symbolize healing, meditation, peace, and forgiveness. You can use light candles for devotion, inspiration,peace and blessing in inside your home. Deep blue for honestly and business                group success.
           is a color of intuition, dignity and spiritual protection, knowledge, idealistic, psychic manifestation in connection with the soul and spiritualism. Protection for evil spirit and help avoid bad elements or evil spirit, it gives spiritual healing and protection.
          symbolize in personal and emotional love, friendship, to be careful, success in spiritualism,affection  and harmony. Its helps spiritual healing, cut off the different negative conditions, extraordinary happiness, and sensuality.
           a color of protection, peace, sincerity, kindness, highest spiritualism, purity and truthfulness.This the balance of all color combination.

 I hope you enjoy learning, everything is base on research, but again never forget to pray and ask his humble forgiveness. Nothing is impossible with God. It could be helpful for you but the effectiveness is depends in what you believe, your faith in God is more powerful.

 Be careful in what you wish, make sure that all of those are you really want. A money is a second basic needs of people that causes evil, but money is not evil its the people who are using it into evil ways. First and most needs is LOVE and PURITY of the heart. Thanks for reading and see you on next blog please share if you find it helpful tips.