Monday, November 25, 2013

Magical Powers of Candles

The last part of my  previous blog is Working With the Candles Energy, I have given some instruction how to use candles. Now is the time to reveal the colors meaning and how it would help us. But before we proceed and before you start using any of this I would suggest that ask God forgiveness for everything that you do, be humble to ask His forgiveness and admit all your mistake, a sincere and pure heart is always the best.

 If your asking forgiveness to God never forget to forgive as well. We are not perfect but God cannot forgive us if we ourselves cannot forgive others. Do not make promises to God which you cannot do, the worse things that you do is make a promises that you can't. After all he don't need promises and then later you yourself break it.

 Sincerity of your heart is key that God listen to you, if your asking Gods forgiveness and  guidance. The power of God cannot be measure by anyone. He love us so much so anything we asked through Jesus Christ His Son will be granted. Ask forgiveness and forgive.

Candles could be help you but never forget that they are useless without God guidance and the holy spirit. I hope this may help you in whatever you want in life and may God grant all your wishes in life. God answer our prayers in many different ways that we do not expect be always thankful in your life, and appreciate what you have today, even the very tiny that happen, so you will never miss the most wonderful things that he give you....

Here is the magical meaning and uses of candles for therapy;

        is a color of energy, love, courage, strength, and good health. A good protection to avoid laziness, and fears. 
           is a color that symbolize the sun in midsummer, with a unique power for enthusiasm, rejoicing,   strength, stimulation, appropriate or suitable, attraction for friendship.                   

          this is color that symbolize and represent as clairvoyance, to learn,mind and communication, memory enhancer, it helps the business, performing arts, happiness booster, and use to repel evil spirit and bad elements around us
           symbolize nature and material things, also symbolize of healing, money, abundance, luck, fertility,enhance balance and harmony in uncertain situation, gives protection and relaxing feeling.
         this color symbolize healing, meditation, peace, and forgiveness. You can use light candles for devotion, inspiration,peace and blessing in inside your home. Deep blue for honestly and business                group success.
           is a color of intuition, dignity and spiritual protection, knowledge, idealistic, psychic manifestation in connection with the soul and spiritualism. Protection for evil spirit and help avoid bad elements or evil spirit, it gives spiritual healing and protection.
          symbolize in personal and emotional love, friendship, to be careful, success in spiritualism,affection  and harmony. Its helps spiritual healing, cut off the different negative conditions, extraordinary happiness, and sensuality.
           a color of protection, peace, sincerity, kindness, highest spiritualism, purity and truthfulness.This the balance of all color combination.

 I hope you enjoy learning, everything is base on research, but again never forget to pray and ask his humble forgiveness. Nothing is impossible with God. It could be helpful for you but the effectiveness is depends in what you believe, your faith in God is more powerful.

 Be careful in what you wish, make sure that all of those are you really want. A money is a second basic needs of people that causes evil, but money is not evil its the people who are using it into evil ways. First and most needs is LOVE and PURITY of the heart. Thanks for reading and see you on next blog please share if you find it helpful tips.

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