Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo Plant is one of the most popular in Chinese feng Shui because of capability to attract positive Chi. The lucky bamboo is a stable plant that's why it help energize home and surroundings. The bamboo symbolize in Chinese for stability. The capability of lucky bamboo to grow faster and the adoptable of any situation is what people like this plant.

This lucky bamboo can actually grow to water but are not recommended for feng Shui. A Chinese lucky bamboo also know as FU Gwey Zhu. The "FU" means luck and furtune, and "Gwey" symbolize power and honor, "Zhu" means bamboo. The lucky bamboo is best recommended for Feng Shui because this plant stand for five elements that Feng Shui have.

Here's five Elements of Feng Shui and luck bamboo have;

Wood-The stalks  of the plant and the green leaves
Water- every time you water your plant to make the plant alive and the blue color represent as water.
Earth- the soil, pots or the color brown that lucky bamboo place in represent as Earth.
Fire-   the red ribbon leash in the plant symbolize as fire.
Metal - pots that are made of metal or ornamental decoration, like silver, brass, bronze and copper that place in the plant represent as Metal.

The counts of bamboo stalks that Feng Shui use for cure and specific meaning and symbols. The count of stalks determine what kind of energy you want to attract inside your home. All even numbers stand for Yin and odd numbers stand for Yang. The odd or Yang numbers considered as lucky numbers.
Most lucky when lucky bamboo are given instead of buying by yourselves but off course you can always buy if no one give you. You can use it as personal way of making harmony and luck in your life. Here are some symbols,energy, and luck affiliate of bamboo stalks counts.

Lucky Log- A kind of bamboo that similar to a small log. The lucky log bamboo symbolize as a secure or stable life and full of abundance. This is commonly given as gift from a business owners to their client as symbol of growing business that everyone mostly dreams for their own business.

Two Bamboo Stalks- Mostly given as way of expressing love and the intention of getting married. It symbolize as happy companionship of a relationship. The two bamboo stalks similar meaning as double luck that coming in your life.

Three Bamboo Stalks- the three bamboo stalks are most favorite number of combination for life. It bring three luck in your life, happiness-"FU" Long life,"Soh" and Wealth"LU"

Four Bamboo Stalks- The word four in Chinese similar sound of death. The number four draws "SHA" negative energy. This counts is not use or not recommended counts of bamboo stalks, given someone four bamboo stalks means wishing death towards that person.

Five Bamboo Stalks- the bamboo plants with this stalks counts symbolize the five areas of life that needs to have abundance. Draws positive energy that gives arrangement to the following aspect; spiritual, mental, emotional, physical at intuitive.

Six Bamboo Stalks- The six in Chinese language similar sound to a word luck. The six bamboo stalks draws positive energy that brings abundance and good opportunities of wealth.

Seven Bamboo Stalks- The seven bamboo stalks similar meaning of good health.

Eight Bamboo Stalks- The eight counts of bamboo stalks sound as grow or thrive that means development, growth and multiply. This counts symbolize of fertility.

Nine Bamboo Stalks- This counts symbolize of good luck and brings further luck in life.

Ten Bamboo Stalks- The ten bamboo stalks symbolize of contentment, tranquility, happiness of current life.

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