Monday, November 25, 2013

Candle Can Help boost Energy for therapy

Candles can be useful for many different purposes in life, It depends on how you use it, and you believe it as well. The use of candles for therapy has been a long time learning process in different cultures all over the world.The candle therapy is used to join together the power of body, mind and spirit.
Since before and nowadays candles help us lighten our paths through different transitions. From celebrations and ceremonies to the proclamation process the flame of candles symbols as "methapor"of our spirit.Candles can help us join together the power of our mind, body and spirit.

Candles represent us our self object. Self Object is something that reflects ourselves , reflects into something which we can act. Candles are a reflection of spiritual and ethical transformations that we want in ourselves. We burn candles as implications and symbols of our goals and wants in life.
Working With the Candles Energy
Working with candles or using candles can be simple or could be complicated as the same time, due to our goals or needs. I would suggest that before you light the candles that you need, recharge it with prayers first.
Sit down in a silent place, hold the candle or candles right in front of your chest, and think about the part of your life that you want to put some energy, or boost energy for a change. Start with using POSITIVE AFFIRMATION'
Here's some important ways of using candles base on your purposes and needs. Set a time for your meditation, always say your real intentions after your positive affirmation. Light the candle based on your needs and wants.

  • I hope these are helpful for readers especially the candle lovers watch for our next blog about different colors and meaning of candles. See you again, share this if you find it helpful tips.

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